FOR SALE $7 shipping total, no matter how many roots you buy.
Buy True/Common Comfrey Live Root Cuttings.
These are links
to add Comfrey Roots to your PayPal Shopping Cart.
Buy Russian Comfrey Bocking #4 Roots.
Buy Russian Comfrey Bocking #14 Roots.
Buy Symphytum Hidcote Blue Comfrey Roots.
Or No PayPal: If you want to pay by credit/debit card but do not want to use PayPal, I can email you an invoice. In the email there will be
a link to take you to an online payment page.
Comfrey Bocking No. 14 
Russian Bocking #14 comfrey root cuttings (Symphytum x uplandicum = Symphytum
uplandica = Symphytum peregrinum) with purple flowers.
Roots are 4 to 6 inches long and about the size of a finger. If the root
is thinner, you receive a longer piece.
Plant horizontally in the ground about 2-3 inches deep. Little rootlets
grow along the entire root. |
 This is Comfrey #14. Comfrey #4 and #14 plants grow to the same size.
Includes a flyer about growing comfrey.
For more information:
Comfrey Bocking #14.

$19 for one root cutting of Russian Comfrey Bocking #14. Shipped
Monday. Shipping is $7 no matter how many comfrey roots you order. Your
roots will be crown cuttings with leaves trimmed off or a root cutting with
a bud that is ready to grow.
"The comfrey
arrived yesterday, and it was all in excellent condition! We were thrilled!"
-Shelly, Norman, Oklahoma
"I have a couple of awesome comfrey patches going in my garden thanks to your root cuttings. I plan to order more from you soon." -Stephen, Grand Haven, Michigan
/ Common Comfrey Root
True or Common Comfrey plants (Symphytum officinale var patens) with purple
or purplish flowers.
True (Common) Comfrey flowers come in different colors such as purple
(various shades), red (bright pink), yellow, white, and light pink. This
is the original, heirloom, medicinal comfrey.
This photo is Russian Comfrey Bocking #4 on the left, and True Comfrey on
the right with deep purple flowers. True Comfrey is about 2/3 the size of
Russian Comfrey.
The type
I have for sale here is purple. Some are deep purple, others are more reddish
purple. Occasionally there is a pink-purple.
Which type of True Comfrey you get is random. I don't have the plants separated
in our garden. Most are purple like the above photo.
The photo to the left is the more reddish purple flower of True Comfrey.
Then below with the bumble bee is the pinkish flower.
The live
roots are ready to grow. They are 4-5 inches long. Length depends upon thickness
of root. It may or may not include a green growing top. Each root is different.
Planting instructions included with your order.
For more information:
or Common Comfrey.

or True Comfrey- $15 a root.
Shipped Monday. Shipping is $7 no matter how many comfrey roots you order.
roots will be crown cuttings with leaves trimmed off or a root cutting with
a bud that is ready to grow.
"I received
your root, and it's beautiful!" -Sharayah, Severance, Colorado
Comfrey Bocking No. 4 
Russian Bocking #4 comfrey root cuttings (Symphytum x uplandicum = Symphytum
uplandica = Symphytum peregrinum) with purple flowers.
The roots are 3 to 4 inches long and about the size around of a
finger. If the root is thinner, you receive a longer piece.
Plant horizontally in the ground about 2-3 inches deep. Little rootlets
grow along the entire root.
Includes a flyer about growing comfrey.
For more information:
Comfrey Bocking #4.
For more ways to pay, see bottom of page.
A Dominique
rooster in a patch of Russian Comfrey No. 4. The plants will get wider and taller.
The photo
with the ruler shows what your root will look like. They are sprouted with
small green leaves.
for one root cutting of Russian Comfrey Bocking #4. Shipped
Monday. Shipping is $7 no matter how many comfrey roots you order. Your
roots will be crown cuttings with leaves trimmed off or a root cutting with
a bud that is ready to grow.
Hidcote Blue Comfrey

Hidcote Blue Comfrey root cuttings (Symphytum officinale x Symphytum asperum
x Symphytum grandiflorum = Symphytum grandiflorum Hidcote Blue = Symphytum
Hidcote Blue).
Blue flowers.
Plant horizontally in the ground about 2-3 inches deep. Little rootlets
grow along the entire root.
Includes a flyer about growing comfrey.
For more information:
Hidcote Blue Comfrey.
This is a young plant.
The photo
with the ruler shows what your root will look like. They are crown cuttings.
for one root cutting of Symphytum Hidcote Blue Comfrey. Shipped
Monday. Shipping is $7 no matter how many comfrey roots you order. Your
roots will be crown cuttings with leaves trimmed off or a root cutting with
a bud that is ready to grow.
"I think Comfrey is as perfect a plant for a small farm as you can get. I'm constantly wowed by all the wonderful properties. Nature is so perfect, isn't it?" -Anne, Newport, Washington
Buy Comfrey Book Volume 1, and Comfrey Book Volume 2 $49, save $5. Free shipping.
Comfrey Book, Volume 1
Botany and History of Comfrey Garden Uses of Comfrey
$27 with free shipping
More about:
Comfrey Book, Volume 1:
Comfrey Book, Volume 2
Cultivation of Comfrey Medicinal and Food Uses for People and Livestock
$27 with free shipping
More about:
Book, Volume 2:
Shipping for Live Comfrey
$7 shipping for live comfrey no matter how many you
I ship to the United States only.
Shipping Schedule
Comfrey root orders go out every Monday.
The weekly cutoff time is early Sunday morning.
Sorry no pick up at the farm.
This photo is Dominique chickens and Ancona ducks in comfrey. Those
plants have been trimmed recently. They get much bigger. |
6 plants are doing well...4 of them have good leafing, and two are beginning to
make flowers." -Tanya, Louisiana
"Here in the northwest inland, my comfrey is just starting to come up.
Thank you for the start! I wish you well in the beauty of the coming growing
season." -Chris, Washington |
Shopping Cart: You can pay with PayPal online using my shopping cart.
All products have buttons you can click to order this way. You do not have
to have a PayPal account to pay with your credit or debit card.
Money Request by Email: I send a PayPal Money Request by email. You
pay online. Or you can send a PayPal payment from your PayPal account to
Card Online using Email Invoice (No PayPal): If you want to pay by credit/debit
card but do not want to use PayPal, I can email you an invoice. In the email
there will be a link to take you to an online payment page. Use Visa, MasterCard,
Discover, JCB, or Diners Card. Email me what you want to buy.
I ship to everywhere in the United States. I do not ship outside the United