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Russian Comfrey #4 - Live
Russian Comfrey #14 - Live

True/Common Comfrey - Live
Hidcote Blue Comfrey - Live

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Invasive comfrey
Comfrey with Blue Flowers (Hidcote Blue)

This comfrey is very invasive. It spreads by underground roots (rhizomes). Once you plant it, it will spread rapidly and be difficult to get rid of. I once threw it into a compost pile to decompose, but it grew instead. It grew all around the pile and kept going.

The photo to the left was taken in early spring.

Invasive, Smaller than Other Comfreys

The Russian Comfrey Bocking #4 and #14 that I sell is a sterile hybrid and is not invasive at all. But some people want a ground cover that will spread fast. Hidcote Blue comfrey spreads by creeping rhizomes.

I found it in the southern Appalachian Mountains. It is about half the size of Russian Bocking comfrey. The leaves grow to about 1 to 1˝ feet tall. With the flower stalk, it is 2 feet tall.

It is Symphytum Hidcote Blue.

Symphytum officinale x Symphytum asperum x Symphytum grandiflorum = Symphytum grandiflorum Hidcote Blue= Symphytum Hidcote Blue.

Dyers Comfrey

Some have called it 'Dyers' Comfrey because the leaves can be used to dye cloth or yarn.

See 3 types of comfrey.

Hidcote Blue Comfrey blooms earlier in spring than Russian and True/Common Comfrey. If you don't cut the flowerstalks, it will only bloom that one time except for a few flowers here and there throughout spring and summer.

This variety of comfrey is not liked very much by livestock. Livestock love Russian Comfrey (#4 or #14) and True Comfrey.

Blue Comfrey

Here are 2 photos from Duncan in west central Illinois of a Hidcote Blue comfrey plant that he grew from roots I sent him. The first photo is soon after I sent it. The next photo is when it was well established.

"Regarding the S. asperum vs. S. grandiflorum Hidcote Blue debate, based on what mine have done so far, I can’t imagine them getting as tall as S. asperum is supposed to, and they’re not as ‘prickly’."

"I love watching it, and the mystery is fun. Wild native sounds good to me, but I think you could call it Hidcote blue."
-Duncan, Illinois

The small photo of the blue-flowered comfrey in a pot is from Alex in Reading, Pennsylvania.

Vibrant Blue Flowers

"I was taught herb craft at my Grandmother's knee. I have been in search of the short comfrey with the vibrant blue flowers. I saw it in the Berkshire mountains of western Massachusetts about 1988 at Berkshire Botanical Garden."

"I live in the hills between the Adirondacks and the Catskills, so I believe that if this persnickety Comfrey likes Appalachia, it will get along alright here too."
-Tricia, Binghamton, New York

The second photo is after the flowers have fallen from the stalk.

Symphytum Hidcote Blue

These 3 photos are young plants from Patrick in eastern Nebraska.

"Your Hidcote Blue makes nice potted plants. They do well with plenty of light and water. With the larger pot, they are already beginning to spread. Thanks for your comfrey!"

Hidcote Blue Comfrey with Johnny Jump-Ups

This photos is from Trish in Binghamton, New York.

Hidcote Blue Comfrey with Blue Heeler Dog

This photo was taken mid-April. It is covered with blue flowers. At the top left is some Comfrey Bocking #14.

Comfrey Root
Symphytum Hidcote Blue

This photo shows what your Hidcote Blue-Flowered Comfrey root looks like.

It is $19 per root. Shipping is $7 total no matter how many roots you order. You can order by clicking here:

Despite the fact that Hidcote Blue Comfrey is very invasive, the roots can be sensitive to getting started when they are transplanted. It does best if planted outside, not in a pot. Do not over water.




Nantahala Farm in the Mountains of Western NC
No pickup at farm. I ship to the United States only.

Organic Live Comfrey Plants for Sale
Comfrey Root Cuttings

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Permaculture & Fruit Trees     Comfrey as Feed for Poultry
Comfrey as Feed for Livestock     Comfrey: Animals & Health
Comfrey & Healing     Comfrey Research: Symphytum
History of Russian Comfrey, part 1     Comfrey History & References

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