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Buy Dominique Chicken Hatching Eggs
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Livestock Conservancy: Rare Breeds
Livestock Conservancy: Dominique

Shipping and How to Hatch Eggs
Shipping Hatching Eggs
Types of Incubators
How to Incubate Eggs
How to Help Hatching Babies
How to Brood Poultry
Make A Poultry Incubator

Dominique Chickens
Dom History: Colonial to 1900
Dom History: 1915 to Present
Dom Looks: Adult
Dom Looks: Chick/Pullet/Cockerel
Dominique Personality: Friendly
Dominique: Eggs, Broodiness
Dom: Determine Sex After Hatch
Photos Dominique Chicks
Photos Chicks with Mother Hens
Photos Roosters & Hens
Shipping Eggs: Information about shipping: Shipping Hatching Eggs.

Rare Dominique Chicken Hatching Eggs for Sale

Hatching eggs available April 2025.
A critically endangered old-fashioned heritage breed. $4.90/egg. Minimum 3 eggs per order. $18 shipping. Shipping begins in April 2025.

The Dominique chicks in this photo are 1 week old.

"I am very impressed with your operation and with your concern for this breed. You really have an insight into Dominique chickens." -Brian, Benton, Kentucky

$4.90/ Dominique Egg

  Dominiques Chicken Hatching Eggs. In the cart, fill in the number of eggs. There is a 3 egg minimum per order. The $18 shipping is automatically added.

Dominiques are Calm and Friendly

Help support this rare breed. I raise free-range Dominique chickens to bring them back to American homes and farms again.

Dominiques are calm, easy-going, and good with children. They are perfect for a backyard, homestead, or small farm.

"We really appreciate your preservation efforts for this wonderful breed. Jim's family had them when he was a boy, and they hold a special place in his heart." -Loree & Jim, Westminster, South Carolina

Hens are Good Layers

A Dominique hen lays about 230-275 medium-sized, brown eggs a year. Hens (pullets) start to lay at 5-7 months depending on the time of year they hatched.

Dominiques are consistent and reliable egg layers. They have good production that make them popular with family farmers.

"I bought some Dominiques from you last year and they have been great. We only have Dominiques (14 total now and from 4 different farms) and yours are the best. Your Dominiques are the only ones with the correct comb shape. I didn't keep the roosters that hatched and am now deeply regretting it. I am hoping to get at least one rooster out of this bunch! Thanks for tending such a healthy flock!" -Doug, Jacksonville, North Carolina

Hatch Healthy, Happy Chicks

There are good books on how to hatch eggs and lots of information on the internet about it. Chickens take 3 weeks (21 days) to hatch.

"The Dominiques are very curious, friendly birds. The one I'm thinking is a male is the first to greet me and perch on my arm." -Jessica, Lucama, North Carolina

"I just wanted to thank you for the great eggs! I had someone from the 'Dominique Club of America' stop by to help me sex the chicks right after they hatched, and she kept commenting on how big and healthy they looked." -Susan, Petersburg, Virginia

"We have a small family farm raising a variety of heritage livestock. Our first chickens 5 years ago were a few Dominique hens. They have been by far our favorite as we have tried many different breeds over the years. We have decided that we would like to go back to the Dominiques as our primary laying hens." -Catherine, Spivey's Corner, North Carolina

Hatching is a Great Experience

Schools and parents like to hatch eggs with their children. It is a thrilling moment when the egg hatches, and there is a little chick.

"The students and I are really excited to hatch the Dominique chicks in the classroom!" -Janine, Second Grade Teacher, Raleigh, North Carolina

"I am a kindergarten teacher. I want to make sure my students experience the hatching of eggs." -Kelly, Eau Clair, Wisconsin

"We had a great hatch this year! They were precious and the children LOVED them so very much! Thank you!" -Terri, 3rd grade teacher in Alabama

"We had 21 Dominiques hatch out of 24. This was my first time hatching shipped eggs, and I’m very pleased with the hatch rate." -Caitlin, Galena, Maryland

A Broody Hen Can Hatch Your Eggs

You can use an incubator to hatch eggs or a broody hen can hatch them.

I do like to hear how your hatch goes. I like getting photos of your chicks and chickens.

"I have several Dominique hens and would like to add to my flock. I have a broody Orpington named 'Fat Penny' that I plan on putting the eggs under." Then 3 weeks later: "Nancy, I have 5 beautiful little babies so far. They came earlier than I expected but 'Fat Penny' has it under control!" -Leslie, Fayetteville, Tennessee

"Wanted to let you know that our hatch was a success - 25 out of 30." -Craig, Toccoa, Georgia

Heritage Dominiques

Raise chickens your great grandparents had on their farm.

"My Great Grandmother had Dominique chickens and would tell funny stories about them when she was growing up..." -Amanda, New York

"We have a small family farm raising a variety of heritage livestock. Our first chickens 5 years ago were a few Dominique hens. We still have 2 of them left. They have been by far our favorite as we have tried many different breeds over the years. We have decided that we would like to go back to the Dominiques as our primary laying hens." -Catherine, Spivey's Corner, North Carolina

"Hey, this is Matthew and my family and I bought some eggs from you 21 days ago today. I wanted to let you know that of the 12 we bought, all where fertile. They hatched today and seem very healthy. Thanks for the enjoyable experience hatching eggs. My daughter has loved watching them." -Matthew, NC

"The Post Office got the eggs this morning and I picked them up. It is like Christmas I am so excited! Not a single one broke. I have the incubator all ready to go and the eggs are coming to room temp before I put them in. Thank you for the shipment." -Caren, Virginia

"We got 22 chicks out of this hatching. I watched one chick fight for thirty hours (I am not joking--thirty hours!) to get out of her shell. Every time I spoke to her, she fought eventually, I helped her out of her shell. She was perfectly formed, if cramped and exhausted. I kept her in the incubator overnight. This morning, she was all uncurled and walking around, so I put her out in the brooder with the others, and she's doing fine. I've never seen such hardy chicks, seriously, and we had a *lot* of chickens when I was a kid." -Dawn, TN

"We candled the eggs, and it appears that all have babies in them." -Carmen, New York

How to incubate eggs.

"I have had eggs shipped to me before but never like you did. Their packaging was thoughtful. Plus fantastic tips. I couldn't be more pleased :) " -Gabriella, Bartow, Florida

"I received the Dominique eggs today. None were broken and the box was in good condition. I'll let you know how the hatch goes and send some pics. Thanks again!" -Tiffany, Eau Claire, Wisconsin

"I just candled the 18 Dominique and Bantam chicken eggs you sent me (day 12 of incubation), and 17 were fertile and developing just fine. That's amazing for shipped eggs (or otherwise)! I will send you pics of the hatch." -Doug, Jacksonville, North Carolina
Hatch day. You can see the tip of his beak.

They incubate for 21 days at about 100 degrees and then hatch.

Then they are put under a heat lamp (brooding) until about 3 weeks old.

These are Dominique chicks just after they hatched.

"I just wanted to send you a big thanks for the Dom eggs. They came this afternoon and not one broken or cracked. I was amazed."

Then 1 week later: "Hi Nancy, I candled the eggs today and happy to see 15 of the 16 you sent are alive (one not sure of, looks alive but I couldn't see the baby). This is after my turner did not work and having to hand turn them. Thanks again so much. Crossing fingers for the next two weeks."
-Helen, Pleasant Hill, Ohio
Closeup of just hatched Dominique chick.

"Your chickens are beautiful. I can't wait to hatch them. They will have a great life in my backyard free ranging to their hearts' delight." -Tiffany, Eau Claire, Wisconsin

45 Dominique chicks. Photo from Dolly in Magnolia, Mississippi.

"Your eggs are the best we have ever had shipped." -Dolly

Dominique chicks sleeping. Photo from Dug in Iowa.

"I had 4 chicks hatch within 12 hours, then 20 hours later I got a bonus late arrival, so 5 of 7. This is my 2nd hatch with this incubator. The first was my own chicken's eggs and I also got 5 of 7. They are all doing well and are super friendly." -Dug, Mingo, Iowa

Here's a 4-day-old Dominique chick looking right at you.

"I ordered Dominique hatching eggs from you 3 weeks ago. They all survived the shipping and were 100% fertile. Thank you so much for the beautiful eggs you sent. Despite my incubating experience, they are now hatching and are doing wonderfully. :) The Dominiques are 100% hatch rate (8 out of 8). A great hatch rate considering they were shipped eggs. The chicks are adorable!" -Jimmie, Spring Hill, Florida

These chicks are 4 days old.
These are 1 week old. I love their fluffy rear ends.
These are Dominique chicks, 2 weeks old.
These are Dominique chicks, maybe 3 weeks old.

A pullet on the left, and cockerel on the right. Males have lighter feathers and feet/legs than females.
Here are some juvenile or adolescent hens roosting. They are not full grown yet.
2 Dominique hens.

"The Dominiques we hatched are now my favorite chickens. We've had Red Dorkings for years but I think I'm going to stop keeping them. I like the demeanor of the Dominiques a lot better." -Scott, Kearneysville, West Virginia

Dominique hen.
Dominique hen in comfrey and stinging nettle. There is another hen behind her.

"I just wanted to let you know that I received the package with the seeds, comfrey roots, and eggs. All arrived in good condition. Thank you so much." -Kara, Glen Arm, Maryland

Alpha Dominique rooster in comfrey and stinging nettle.

Chickens are Intelligent

Chickens have sophisticated social behavior including favorite chickens (friends). From my own experience I have seen hens and their female chicks hang out together for years.

Poultry have stable social groups (cliques). They can identify each other so well that they are able to recognize over 100 different birds in their flock. And all of these birds are part of a definite pecking order that they remember.

Behavioral scientists have discovered 30 different chicken vocalizations where they "talk" to each other. They have long-term memory and even think about the future!

From these scientific sources:
1. Rogers LJ, "The Development of Brain and Behaviour in the Chicken", Wallingford, Oxon, UK: CABI Publishing, 1995, p. 217.
2. Dr. Joy Mench, Professor of Animal Science at University of California at Davis, in "The New Yorker", April 14, 2003, p. 64.

Ways to Pay
Email:   I ship to USA only.

PayPal Shopping Cart: You can pay with PayPal online using my shopping cart. All products have buttons you can click to order this way. You do not have to have a PayPal account to pay with your credit or debit card.

PayPal Money Request by Email: I send a PayPal Money Request by email. You pay online. Or you can send a PayPal payment from your PayPal account to

Credit/Debit Card Online using Email Invoice (No PayPal): If you want to pay by credit/debit card but do not want to use PayPal, I can email you an invoice. In the email there will be a link to take you to an online payment page. Use Visa, MasterCard, Discover, JCB, or Diners Card. Email me what you want to buy.

I ship to everywhere in the United States. I do not ship outside the United States.

Nantahala Farm in the Mountains of Western NC
No pickup at farm. I ship to the United States only.

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