I no longer sell Ancona duck eggs. If you sell Ancona ducks or eggs,
contact me and I'll add you to this list. You can find people with ducks or hatching
eggs here:
The Livestock Conservancy: Rare Breeds
The Livestock Conservancy: Ancona Duck
Ancona Duck Breeders Association
Ancona Ducks- ISO and Where to Find
Ancona Ducks- Facebook:
Follows Dave Holderread's breeding guidelines. See “Storey’s Guide to
Raising Ducks”. This is a non-APA (American Poultry Association) Ancona
group. There is no APA-accepted standard for the Ancona. We strive to preserve
the original "Holderread" lines. We do not agree with the proposed standard.
It would require culling Anconas which have any plumage colors other than
black and white, and culling Anconas which lay any egg color other than
white. Decreasing the gene pool and genetic diversity in an already-rare
breed is a recipe for a disastrous decrease in health and vigor.
Ducks- Facebook:
Wants American Poultry Association breed standardization of only black/white
feathers with white eggs. Anconas have many varieties. Each color is a separate
variety. The same holds true for all breeds of poultry. Many breeds having
many varieties accepted by the APA. Each variety is a separate project and
has to be admitted individually. Tri-color Ancona ducks will not be allowed.
North American Duck Alliance, na.anconaduckalliance@gmail.com
Worth It Farms: Ancona Ducks for Sale, Atlanta, Georgia, WorthItFarms@gmail.com
Victoria Couch in North Carolina, victoriacouch77@gmail.com
Mary Z. Ruby, The Ruby Roost, Marshall, North Carolina, mzruby@msn.com
Junifer Johnson, Lance-a-lot Ducks, York, Nebraska, lancealot.ducks@gmail.com
Jackie Mobley, Five Pine Farm, Green Mountain, North Carolina, jmob873@gmail.com
Sofia Bent, Logsden, Oregon, chickenduckpalace@gmail.com
Delaney McMaster, Taylors, South Carolina, dgmcmaster@hotmail.com
Audrey Geier, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, audrey.geier@gmail.com
Emily Rothrock, Louisburg, North Carolina, emily.l.rothrock@gmail.com
Ana Nelson, Dade City, Florida, www.vitoriafarms.com, 352-769-2869, vitoriafarms@gmail.com
Michelle Jones, Western North Carolina, duckandpepperfarm.com, 910-262-0395, ancona@duckandpepperfarm.com
Angie Cordray, Ancona Acres, Missouri, yardroc@grm.net
Jennifer Miller, Fredon Township, New Jersey, millerfarm7@gmail.com. Flock is NPIP H5/H7 AI clean.
Cindy Loos, Weiser, Idaho, 208-549-3928, toadilycreative@msn.com. Hen raised ducks. Excellent mothers.
stock: Black, Chocolate, Blue, Lavender, Lilac, Silver, TriColor
Duck Hatching Eggs
Ducks #1
Ducks #2
Ducks #3
Ducks #4
Ancona Duck Colors: Part 1
Ancona Duck Colors: Part 2
Holderread, Ancona Breeder
About Green & Blue Duck Eggs
Comfrey to Poultry
Shipping Hatching Eggs
of Incubators
A Poultry Incubator
How to Incubate
Duck Eggs Hatched by Chickens
Duck Eggs Hatched by a Goose
to Help Hatching Babies
to Brood Poultry
Ancona Ducks:
Endangered Waterfowl Incubate
your own eggs. Adorable ducklings. Friendly and fun to watch. "Thank you Nancy for our little bundles of joy. The
eggs arrived in perfect condition and then my wonderful mother hen hatched all
six eggs perfectly." -Valerie, San Mateo, California

Preserve this Domestic Breed
From "Breed Bulletin #8502" by David Holderread:
"Most poultry
raisers associate Ancona with the chicken carrying this name. Few people are
aware that during the first third of this century (early 1900s) a piebald breed
of laying duck was developed in Great Britain and also named Ancona."
"Little is known about the history of Ancona ducks. The only reference we have
been able to locate is one photograph and a few sentences in a British poultry
book found while doing a literature search at Cornell University in Ithaca,
New York."
The first photo is from Lynn Ann in Sellersville, Pennsylvania.

Ducks & Ducklings
Also from the above Breed Bulletin:
"This extremely rare breed weighs 5 to 7 pounds at maturity. With adequate care,
ducks annually have been producing between 235 and 280 white, cream, gray or
blue eggs that weigh 30 to 38 ounces per dozen."
"The day-old ducklings are as cute as can
be with their distinctive yellow and black or chocolate down markings that are
nearly exact blueprints of their adult plumage pattern. Because their color designs
are so diverse, seldom are any two Anconas marked just alike, making it easy to
distinguish individuals in a flock."
These 2 photos of the 4 ducklings together are from Jessica in Glen Burnie,
Maryland. The ducklings are about 2 weeks old.

Cooking and Eating
Duck Eggs
Frequently, people who are allergic to chicken eggs are not allergic to duck eggs.
Chicken and duck eggs have a different protein makeup so people's bodies react
differently with each. If your allergy is severe, contact your doctor or health
practitioner before eating duck eggs.
Duck eggs have more Albumen (protein in white of egg) and more fat in the yolk
than chicken eggs. So duck eggs create pies, cakes and pastries that rise more
(fluffy) and are richer. Meringues whip better and are more stable.
When a woman
wins a Blue Ribbon at a County Fair for the best cake, she probably used duck
eggs rather than chicken eggs. In a recipe that calls for a chicken egg, you can
use 1 duck egg even though a duck egg is bigger.
Any way you can cook a chicken egg, you can also cook a duck egg.
And your own eggs are always much fresher than grocery store eggs. A store can
sell an egg as "fresh" when it is 4 weeks old! Duck eggs store longer than chicken
eggs because duck eggs have a thicker shell.
In the photo of eggs on a plate, from large to small: goose, duck, chicken,
guineafowl. |
photo is Nancy with a 1-month-old male Tricolor Ancona duckling. In the
background is the goat pasture with some comfrey.
"Day 25: All 6 eggs are still alive! Just entered lockdown." -Betsy, Indian Trail, North Carolina
Fun Breed
of Bird
"We had our first baby duck hatch last night, and we
are already so spoiled we can't put it down or we cry and cry. We named it Bessie
(in hopes its a girl, but Bart if its a boy)." -Rebecca, Norwalk, Connecticut
"Thanks again for sharing this beautiful breed with us, and we are for sure
ordering more Ancona hatching eggs come Spring!!!" -Anja and Rainer, Bend,
This photo
is the 1-month-old duckling. I love the cute spot on his beak.

These are Ancona duck eggs I shipped. They are in a Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco incubator.
"I received the duck eggs from you over two weeks ago, and of the 14 you sent, 11 are viable at this time! I am doing all I can to have a successful hatch. I have a thermometer / hydrometer at the bottom of the incubator where the eggs are placed."
"I talk to the developing embryos with words of encouragement. When this hatch is over, I would like to order Dominique chicken eggs. I am so enthused about ordering eggs!"
Update: "We have 10 gorgeous, healthy ducklings that hatched from the eggs I incubated from you! I think those are really fantastic odds!!" -Kathy, Rough and Ready, California
Six just-hatched
Ancona ducklings in a Brinsea Eco Mini incubator. This photo is from Liz.
"Our ducklings are hatching!
5 out of their shells and one more to go. Exciting day for us."
-Liz, Franklin, North Carolina
A day-old
Ancona duckling hanging out with a human friend. Both are very happy. This photo is from Megan in Combine, Texas.
"They are
here!!! They are here!!!! I am So excited!!! All of the eggs look perfect!
Not a scratch or crack on any of them! Thank you so so so much. I am gonna
check the air cells tonight and make sure they are all stable, and if so
then they will be starting incubation tonight or tomorrow morning :)"
-Ashley, Newberg, Oregon
hatched duckling still a little wet. This photo is also from Megan in Texas.
"All 6 Ancona duck eggs are fertile. I'll send you updates on their progress." -Dan, New Hope, Pennsylvania

This photo
of 6 recently hatched ducklings is from Jill in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
"I have
an external pip in 5/6 eggs all of a sudden! Beyond exciting, but the waiting
is killing me! I keep sitting in the closet with them talking and they talk
back! Hopefully I can send fluffy pictures in the next couple days!"
Then a little later:
"6 gorgeous Ancona babies (6 out of 6 hatched), I can't believe it! They
started hatching shortly after midnight. They are so beautiful, and look
so different! Some tiny, some bigger. I can already see personalities emerging!
My kids really enjoyed this process, and woke up literally just in time
this morning to see the fifth one hatch. So glad we chose to do this!"

These photos
are from Sue in Elkhart, Indiana.
Video of ducklings playing in their little house, 38 seconds
from Sue.
3 little
ducklings sitting together. I love their feet.
A happy
duckling. Photo from Elizabeth, Atlanta, Georgia.

These 2
photos of 2-week-old Ancona ducklings are from Ray in Louisburg, North Carolina.

These 2
photos are also from Ray in Louisburg, North Carolina. They are the same
ducklings as above at 3 1/2 weeks old.
A Tricolor
Ancona duck and a Black and White Ancona duck enjoying their kiddie pool.
They are not fully grown yet. Photo from Rachele, Fort Myers, Florida.
The same
Black and White Ancona duck as in the above photo. It's unusual to get a
photo with a bird flapping his wings. Photo from Rachele, Fort Myers, Florida.
This sweet
Ancona duck named Kondra is 6 weeks old. She loves sitting on laps. The
photo is from Megan in Combine, Texas.
An adult
Tricolor Ancona hen. Photo from Bryan in Asheville, North Carolina.
Ancona eggs.