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I no longer sell Ancona duck eggs. If you sell Ancona ducks or eggs, contact me and I'll add you to this list. You can find people with ducks or hatching eggs here:
The Livestock Conservancy: Rare Breeds
The Livestock Conservancy: Ancona Duck
Ancona Duck Breeders Association
Ancona Ducks- ISO and Where to Find
Heritage Ancona Ducks- Facebook: Follows Dave Holderread's breeding guidelines. See “Storey’s Guide to Raising Ducks”. This is a non-APA (American Poultry Association) Ancona group. There is no APA-accepted standard for the Ancona. We strive to preserve the original "Holderread" lines. We do not agree with the proposed standard. It would require culling Anconas which have any plumage colors other than black and white, and culling Anconas which lay any egg color other than white. Decreasing the gene pool and genetic diversity in an already-rare breed is a recipe for a disastrous decrease in health and vigor.
Ancona Ducks- Facebook: Wants American Poultry Association breed standardization of only black/white feathers with white eggs. Anconas have many varieties. Each color is a separate variety. The same holds true for all breeds of poultry. Many breeds having many varieties accepted by the APA. Each variety is a separate project and has to be admitted individually. Tri-color Ancona ducks will not be allowed.
North American Duck Alliance,

Worth It Farms: Ancona Ducks for Sale, Atlanta, Georgia,
Victoria Couch in North Carolina,
Mary Z. Ruby, The Ruby Roost, Marshall, North Carolina,
Junifer Johnson, Lance-a-lot Ducks, York, Nebraska,
Jackie Mobley, Five Pine Farm, Green Mountain, North Carolina,
Sofia Bent, Logsden, Oregon,
Delaney McMaster, Taylors, South Carolina,
Audrey Geier, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada,
Emily Rothrock, Louisburg, North Carolina,
Ana Nelson, Dade City, Florida,, 352-769-2869,
Michelle Jones, Western North Carolina,, 910-262-0395,
Angie Cordray, Ancona Acres, Missouri,
Jennifer Miller, Fredon Township, New Jersey, Flock is NPIP H5/H7 AI clean.
Cindy Loos, Weiser, Idaho, 208-549-3928, Hen raised ducks. Excellent mothers.

Breeding stock: Black, Chocolate, Blue, Lavender, Lilac, Silver, TriColor
Ancona Duck Hatching Eggs
Ancona Ducks #1
Ancona Ducks #2
Ancona Ducks #3
Ancona Ducks #4
Ancona Duck Colors: Part 1
Ancona Duck Colors: Part 2
David Holderread, Ancona Breeder
About Green & Blue Duck Eggs

Feed Comfrey to Poultry
Shipping Hatching Eggs
Types of Incubators
Make A Poultry Incubator
How to Incubate Eggs
Duck Eggs Hatched by Chickens
Duck Eggs Hatched by a Goose
How to Help Hatching Babies
How to Brood Poultry

Ancona Ducks: 7 Color Varieties
Black, Chocolate, Blue, Silver, Lilac, Lavender, Tri-Color.

"We received the eggs today and have them in the incubator now! We are very excited! Thank you so much. We are excited to have this breed, particularly. I discovered them reading Carol Deppe's book." -Rob, Boise, Idaho.
This photo is from Krista-Lea.

"We did it!! Thanks!! I am wild about them alll!!! I am in LOVE with them... I mean, head over feet!! They are the most precious things I've seen, and I work with animals and wildlife.... I can't keep away!!! Thanks for everything!!!" -Krista-Lea, Port Jefferson, New York

These photos are from Jess in Sunland, California.

These 2 photos of Ancona ducklings are from Anya in Durham, North Carolina.

These 2 photos are from Alec.

"Well, our duck hatching has come to a cute and fuzzy end. From our 4 fertile eggs we hatched 3 adorable ducklings. (One egg died between day 18 and 25). Thank you for the eggs and the support. The coloration on the 3 is very different. One is classic Ancona, one is almost all yellow, and one is mostly black." -Alec, Dallas Pennsylvania

The photo on the left is from Laurie in Portland, Oregon.

"I just wanted to give you an update on our eggs, as they were due yesterday evening. We candled them before lockdown. Our two eggs both had external pips as of yesterday morning. No more progress was made during the day yesterday, but last night I checked them before bed, and both seemed to be working on growing their pip holes."

"This morning both had nice big open pip holes. One has now hatched (white egg) and looks great, napping in the incubator. The second (green egg), I can see breathing through it's pip hole and appears fine, just still working on it. We are very hopeful it will hatch today or tonight, and we'll have a friend for the one that's already arrived! Im thrilled that both look like they're going to make it!"
-Britni, Akron, New York

The other 2 photos are from Britni.

Happy Duckling

"The good news is that it is the greatest duck ever, but my boyfriend has claimed it as his and is taking it if I kick him out. So I'm going to have to keep him so he does not take my duck. He even brought the duck to my work to visit. When I got home it was in my bed with him. He is treating it like a puppy and that duck follows us all around the house. And he wants to keep it in the house." -Stephanie, Clinton, Ohio

This photo is from Stephanie.


"Our beautiful little ducks arrived this morning! We are very excited to love them and watch them grow. Thank you for your work, care and instruction in sharing this unique breed." -Elliott, Chico, California

This photo is from Elliott.

Lucky the Duckling

"Lucky (the Ancona duckling) was busy all night long. He has made a hole and I can see his bill. He sure is a peeper. I can see him pushing, but he didn't zip, just made a hole. This is taking forever!"

and then later "Lucky exited his shell at 7 PM tonight. He is now under a light in the bath tub. He looks good, already started cleaning himself."
-Jeanette, Park River, North Dakota

These 4 photos are from Jeanette. The photo below is Lucky in diapers with his dog and cat friends.

"Lucky is almost 3 weeks old in this picture. Lucky out grows diapers about every 3 days. I have to keep redesigning them. Lucky has fit right in with the family. He is such fun, and very smart." -Jeanette

"Lucky is so much fun! He is almost 14 weeks old. I now know Lucky is a "He". He has two curly tail feathers. He loves the little dogs stuffed toys and their food. Much to the dismay of the dogs. Here is a picture of Lucky chilling with his favorite stuffed wolf. He has been such a fun addition to the family." -Jeanette

Photo with Lucky as an adult:
"The weather here is like winter, so Lucky has to swim in the tub." -Jeanette

Ducklings: So Cute!

These photos are from Krista-Lea in Port Jefferson, New York.

"It's so much fun watching the little ones hatch, grow.... We love Ancona ducks.... We also raise true Araucana chickens (gotta love blue eggs), Pilgrim geese, American Sable rabbits, we try to keep the rare breeds.... Been doing 4-H FFA thing with kids. It's always fun showing rare breeds and having eggs hatch at our fair in September." -Brandie, Goldendale, Washington

Duck Egg Life Cycle

Hatching eggs is a great project for children. They love it.

This photo is from Krista-Lea in Port Jefferson, New York.

"I wanted to give you an update on how the eggs are incubating in our classroom. Today we studied the parts of the egg, and how the embryo develops. We used an egg scope to view the eggs. All of them are winners! The students are super excited about our project." -Tracy, Santa Rosa, California

Cute Ducklings Resting

This photo is from Troy in Santa Cruz, California.

3-Week-Old Ducklings (first photo)

"We took the 3-week-old ducklings for a field trip to the back porch the other day. They loved it! They are getting huge and their feathers are starting to come in. In the two days since I took this photo, they now look like they are wet all over as more feathers are coming in. Fascinating how fast they grow!" -Jess, Los Angeles, California

4-Week-Old Ducklings (second photo)

"Well, these little ones are growing fast. Their chest feathers are almost fully in and the rest are well on their way. They look so funny while they transition from down to feathers! They’ve gotten less afraid of us now and really enjoy being outside. We’re getting their new digs set up so we can move them outside soon." -Jess, Los Angeles, California

Ancona Ducks Living with Guinea Fowl

The duck with the Guineas is 'Big Duck' aka 'Mr. McDuck'. Her Guineas are Pearl Grey, Blue and Pied. Everyone gets along fine.

These 2 photos are from Sue in Gouverneur, New York.

4-Month-Old Ancona Ducklings

"Just wanted to update you on my Ancona babies you sent me, well not babies anymore! They're doing great! The big mouth on the far right is Mrs Quackers and she's the boss, Bay is far left (my shy drake), then Ducknorris (she's the boldest), and our dude Islip aka Irving. Thanks so much, they are are comic relief." -Cheri, Bayshore, New York

These 3 photos are from Laura in Portland, Oregon. The first 2 photos are drakes. You can tell because they have a curly tail.

"The drake pictured that's from you is named Kitty Kitty. He responded everytime I called the cat, so he got that name."

"I feed layer chicken crumble, organic food scraps (mostly veggies) both of those are free feed. They also get tiny bits of goat grain with kelp twice a day when I feed goats. They sometimes munch on the goat hay which is Timothy meadow mix. Then they free range the rest of the time."
-Laura, Portland, Oregon

"Our kindergarten class theme this year is 'Water, Water, Everywhere', and the students have been learning about various water habitats. Therefore, I thought hatching duck eggs would be a great learning experience. We raise chickens at my home, and I am super excited to try to hatch ducks!" -Jennifer, Auburn, Alabama

"I am looking forward to adding some ducks (and these are beautiful) to my flock of hens and two geese. I am planning on letting the goose set on some, and I have a hen setting that I will let hatch a couple." -Tina, West Fork, Arkansas
This photo of 2 adult Ancona ducks is from Cynthia, Elderflower Farm, Talent, Oregon.

"I am very interested in the Ancona duck eggs. I wish to build the future of these wonderful and beautiful ducks!" -Darlene, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia


Buying Ancona eggs.


Nantahala Farm in the Mountains of Western NC
No pickup at farm. I ship to the United States only.

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