and availability of Dominique hatching eggs.
"We wanted
to try Dominique's because they are pretty and are supposed to be just as
friendly as Barred Rocks. Looking forward to getting our eggs, I'll send
pictures when they hatch out."
Update: "We just received the eggs, and traded out the infertile Barred
Rock eggs for the ones you sent. Our hen, Dutchy, took them right away and
is still sitting there." -Kristi, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
you for the wonderful chicks. Six of the eggs hatched beautifully a day
ahead of schedule (one in only two hours time from first pip to completely
out!). The six were healthy and kicking from the start, ready to eat and
drink and explore the brooder. They are the sweetest chicks ever, with a
few of them eagerly running up to us for cuddles when we walk up to the
brooder." -Natalie, Kentucky
hatched Dominique chicks. Dominique eggs are brown. The white eggs are from
Brabanter chickens. |
"We are enjoying these spunky quick little chicks! We have raised Polish,
Americauna, Sex-links, and Campine chickens for almost five years and these
Dominiques are the fastest and liveliest we have seen." -Caren, Virginia
Dominique chicks in brooder. From Caren in Virginia.
"We hatched four out of seven Dominique eggs. I'm
happy with the outcome especially since they shipped from so far away. All
four chicks are healthy and eating and drinking. Thanks for the great eggs."
-Emily, Nevada City, California
This photo is from Emily.
"The chicks we bought from you turned out to be
our best egg layers. Thank you!" -Ashley, Pisgah Forest, North Carolina
Older Dominique chick. They have a cute spot on top of their head.
"I had
a great hatch from your eggs. I have 19 very healthy looking little chicks
running around the brooder. Didn't lose any after the hatch, nice fat, fuzzy
little chicks. Love these little Dominecker chicks." -Jerald, South
These Dominique
chicks are 2 weeks old. |
really stand out as the strongest chicks we've hatched, not only hardy but
they're also very calm and friendly birds. This heritage breed is remarkable."
-Ed, Wesley Chapel, North Carolina
These Dominique
chicks are 4 weeks old. They are feathering out nicely. |
chick with dog! From Caren in Virginia. |
chicks in the front and Bantam chicks in the back from my shipped eggs.
From Doug in Jacksonville, North Carolina.
You can hatch Bantams
and Dominiques together.
"We had a really good hatch, 14 out of 18 of the
little critters (Dominiques and Bantams) made it out and are looking very
healthy. The Bantams were a lot of fun to hatch because each one was different
from the next. Our chicks are doing great, and my daughters are really enjoying
them." -Doug, Jacksonville, North Carolina
and availability of Dominique hatching eggs.