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Buy Dominique Chicken Hatching Eggs
Ancona Ducks
Livestock Conservancy: Rare Breeds
Livestock Conservancy: Dominique

Shipping and How to Hatch Eggs
Shipping Hatching Eggs
Types of Incubators
How to Incubate Eggs
How to Help Hatching Babies
How to Brood Poultry
Make A Poultry Incubator

Dominique Chickens
Dom History: Colonial to 1900
Dom History: 1915 to Present
Dom Looks: Adult
Dom Looks: Chick/Pullet/Cockerel
Dominique Personality: Friendly
Dominique: Eggs, Broodiness
Dom: Determine Sex After Hatch
Photos Dominique Chicks
Photos Chicks with Mother Hens
Photos Roosters & Hens
Dominique Photos:
Pullets, Cockerels, Hens and Roosters

Young Dominique chickens (pullets and cockerels) roosting.

"The hatch went great. The chicks are beautiful, we got 10 out of 12. They are doing very good, thank you very much." -Chris, Harpers Field, Ohio

This and the next photo are Dominique pullets about 3 months old.

"I used to have a single Dominique hen in my flock - she was given to me and has since passed on, but we really liked her and look forward to having more Dominiques around!" -Caitlin, Galena, Maryland
"Each year, in my Language Arts class, we read a novel in which the main character hatches eggs as a science project. Several years ago, I had an epiphany that I could incubate and hatch in conjunction with reading the novel. Working with the science teacher - this project has flourished over the years. We have a great hatch rate -- and are very careful throughout the incubation process to monitor the temperature and humidity. Additionally, we candle and weigh the eggs." -Tona, Madison, Ohio

Dominique rooster with some duck and chicken friends in their coop.

"Three years ago you shipped me Dominique hatching eggs that would become our favorite chickens. We just love them. They really have been the most wonderful chickens, bringing us much joy and many hours of lap snuggles. We lost one of our sweet roosters, Zeb, this past fall, but while he was around, every time we would go out into the field, Zeb would race up to us and fly up into our arms. He would happily stay there, content to be held, until you would put him down (sometimes after an hour's nap in the Adirondack chair together)." -Natalie, Lexington, Kentucky
This is a Dominique pullet about 6 months old in comfrey and stinging nettle . Another hen is behind her. All farm animals love comfrey.
Chicken footprints in the snow.

This is a wild photo of Dominique hens dust bathing together. There are 6 hens in there!

Buy Dominique Hatching Eggs

Why Chickens Eat Feathers and How to Prevent It

Feed Comfrey to Poultry How to Hatch Eggs
Types of Incubators
How to Incubate Eggs
How to Help Hatching Babies
How to Brood Poultry
Make A Poultry Incubator

Nantahala Farm in the Mountains of Western NC
No pickup at farm. I ship to the United States only.

Organic Live Comfrey Plants for Sale
Comfrey Root Cuttings

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Comfrey Book, Volume 1     Comfrey Book, Volume 2

Site Map    Rare Heritage Dominique Chickens
Juice Plus: Powder concentrates from fruits, vegetables

General Comfrey Information     How to Grow Comfrey
3 Types of Comfrey     Improving Soil with Comfrey
Comfrey Container Gardening
Permaculture & Fruit Trees     Comfrey as Feed for Poultry
Comfrey as Feed for Livestock     Comfrey: Animals & Health
Comfrey & Healing     Comfrey Research: Symphytum
History of Russian Comfrey, part 1     Comfrey History & References

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